🚨 Stop Flushing "Flushable" Wipes! 🚨
Dear Residents,
We need your help to keep our municipal sewer system running smoothly! Despite what the packaging says, flushable wipes are NOT truly flushable. Unlike toilet paper, these wipes do not break down quickly in water, leading to serious problems:
🔴 Clogged Pipes – Wipes can stick together and create blockages in your home’s plumbing and the town’s sewer lines. This can lead to costly plumbing repairs for you!
🔴 Sewer Backups – When wipes clog the system, sewage can back up into homes, streets, and waterways—creating health hazards and expensive emergency repairs.
🔴 Increased Costs – Our wastewater treatment plant has to remove these wipes manually, driving up maintenance costs. This means higher utility bills for everyone.
🔴 Environmental Damage – Wipes that make it past treatment can end up polluting local rivers, lakes, and wildlife habitats.
Help us protect our municipal sewer system and keep costs down by disposing of wipes in the trash instead.
Thank you for doing your part!
Howland Wastewater Department